"Did you know 🧠 ?"
fun facts about marine life and
advice for conscious divers

Published 14/06/2024 #didyouknow #discover
"Did you know ? I pack enough neurotoxin to disable 10 grown divers by paralyzing the diaphragm and preventing unassisted breathing! Stay away when I start flashing my blue rings!" - Blue ring octopus
"Did you know ? Partnership is for life and we share equal housework! So please, if you see me, don't separate me from my soulmate or our home!" - Harlequin shrimp
"Did you know ? I might be portrayed as tanky and slow a but I swim much faster than you. If I go up for a breath of fresh air from my loooong freedive, don't try to follow me or you'll risk decompression sickness." - Green Turtle
"Did you know ? I am voracious hard coral eater. If you overfish our predators like wrasse, triggerfish or pufferfish, we may breed out of control. Because we are covered in venomous thorns, please don't touch!" - Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish
"Did you know ? I haven't reached my adult form and yet climate change and ocean acidification is already preventing me from building a sturdy and safe shell to inhabit k. Help me and my calcifying brothers (such as corals) by reducing CO2 emissions." - Snails and clams
"Did you know? Our colony is led by a Matriarch. When she is no longer in charge, the largest male in the colony will change sex (a process called protoandry) to become female and take her place as the leader. We are quite protective and we will let you know when you invade our space!" - Ocellaris Clownfish (and other Pomacentridae)