"Friends? Who are they?"

- September 2024 -

Opening night on Sep. 14th, at Luu's Bar (Pham Viet Chanh, Binh Thanh), in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

“I have many friends. Fish follows me when I dive, it’s like an underwater family gathering”

~ Chris Pham, Founder of Rumblefish Adventure Vietnam

Put your phones down and make friends the old school way – by showing up and saying hi, except do it underwater this time. Friends? Who Are They? is a curated showcase featuring the work of three budding underwater photographers who are on a mission to introduce you to their elusive underwater pals. Through their captivating photos, you will delve into the hidden lives of these marine creatures, experiencing their emotions and interactions with their environment and the curious humans who visit them.

The magic of these photographs lies not only in the beauty they capture but also in the extraordinary challenges faced by these photographers as they plunge into the deep blue to connect with their subjects. Each image you see is the result of long hours spent beneath the surface, navigating strong currents, low light, and the unpredictability of marine life. Patience, my friend, is key.

Night dives is a whole different ball game altogether. Armed only with flashlights, the photographers descend into an ocean transformed. Creatures that hide in the daylight emerge from their shelters and dance the night with these underwater disco lights.

These underwater friendships are fleeting and fragile, sometimes measured in mere seconds before the creatures dart away into the distance. But in those brief moments, something profound is exchanged — a connection between diver and sea life, a silent understanding. Each photograph reflects this moment of communion, inviting viewers to explore an unseen world, where friendships form without words, and the ocean becomes a sanctuary of life, color, and mystery.

If you are a diver, this exhibition is a nostalgic journey that will rekindle your love for the deep blue.

If you are an aspiring diver, this exhibition is a powerful invitation to dive in and become part of our inspiring community.

Come and discover the underwater friendships that are usually out of sight!

BUBBLES & LENSES is a collective of three passionate underwater photographers who discovered our shared passion for photography having met in Saigon Divers Club. Through our underwater photography and videography course, we are on a quest to build a community of underwater photographers and ocean lovers in Vietnam and expand the documentation of the underwater world through our works to create more awareness about the importance of the ocean, promoting more ethical diving practices. Every dive has a story, we are here to help you find your angle.

KORAÏ is proud to sponsor its Ocean Pledge to the creation of this photography exhibit, a powerful medium for environmental awareness through engaging visual stories.

An exhibition by

Special thanks to

TRINH Van is an accomplished underwater photographer, diving instructor and eco- diveguide whose work focuses on the vibrant Coral Triangle, one of the most biologically diverse marine regions on the planet. Through his lens, the intricate beauty of this underwater paradise comes to life — each image not just a testament to the dazzling colours and astonishing variety of marine species, but also a heartfelt call to action for preservation. His motto: « Beauty lies in the details ». @thalassoan_miniatures

“Last Call Before the Abyss”

In the stillness of dawn, as the first rays of sunlight break the surface of the calm waters off Malapascua (Philippines) I am drawn by the prospect of observing one of its most extraordinary inhabitants: the shy thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus, renowned for its distinctive, elongated caudal fin. The tail, nearly half its total length, sweeping arcs, reminds us that it can be used as a whip to dart away, back into the depth, leaving me humbled by the graceful encounter.

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
Starting from 1,200,000 VND – SOLD OUT.

“Ballet of the Deep”

When the sun is finally down, on a blackwater dive, the ocean transforms into a dark and alien expanse, revealing the daily migration, through the water column, of myriads of creatures, large and smaller. They gather and join a feast both as prey and predator, near the surface. Among them, the elusive pteropod, a delicate, almost translucent mollusc, flutters through the currents, waving its tentacles in slow, graceful rhythms. The slightest shift in current or movement can disrupt this delicate dance and miss the moment. When the lens finally finds focus, there is a moment of pure triumph, freezing in time this sea butterfly.

Triptych (A-B-C). 21x30cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3). Starting from 800,000 VND (single picture) or 2,000,000 VND (Complete set).

“Motherhood Under Armour”

On a night dive, amidst the soft shifting sands, I encounter a peacock mantis shrimp, Odontodactylus scyllarus, looking for shelter across a sandy plain. Her vibrant rainbow armour, ablaze with iridescent greens, blues and reds does not fit with her reputation of being the fastest shooter in the seven seas. Instead, I witness her carrying her clutch of eggs in a display of both beauty and maternal instinct.

Triptych (C-B-A). 21x30cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3). Starting from 800,000 VND (single picture) or 2,000,000 VND (Complete set).

Dive into Liane BONGGA's world of underwater exploration! Growing up in Vietnam, she cultivated a profound appreciation for nature's beauty. Her journey has taken her across different oceans, where she explored vibrant coral reefs and their colourful ecosystems. Collaborating with dive centres, Liane captures the stunning diversity of marine life, transporting viewers to the mesmerizing underwater realms. Through her lens, she celebrates the wonders of our planet, inspiring others to explore the depths of the ocean and its hidden treasures.

“What are you looking at ?”

Red night Shrimp (Cinetorhynchus Rigens) on a night dive.

40x60cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,200,000 VND


Common octopus (Octopus Vulgaris) on a curious mood checking the camera

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND

“It’s nap time”

A Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) resting on the sandy bottom

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND

“Super macro marvel”

Super macro of the eye of an Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera picta).

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND

“Loosened guard”

Caribbean spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus) with retracted antennas.

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND

Cecilia ANG is a storyteller at heart. By day, she is a regional film producer in the field of commercials, reality shows and narrative series. Through her words and visuals, she strives to be the voice for the community she cares about. With a keen eye for the subtle and the spontaneous, Cecilia’s observational style reveals the delightful, often humorous moments that her subjects unwittingly display. Her photos aren’t just images; they are reminders that animals, much like us, experience a rich tapestry of emotions too.

“some time between friday night and monday morning”

Green turtle striking a work-life balance.

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND

“the game starts..now!”

Sashay like a moray ready to prey.

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND
60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND


HIde & seek with Puffy, the cheekiest pufferfish who also happens to be deadly.

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND

“sit here and be cute”

Tag! Octopus is it.

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 of 3).
From 1,000,000 VND

“GG. try again next week”

Play time is over. Unicorn fish looking for its next big hit.

60x40cm. Ink on paper. Numbered print (1 through 3 hof 3).
From 1,000,000 VND